Your present position. This card reveals influences, and shows the general direction of the reading.
This card indicates conflict in your life. Worse yet, it is closely associated with defeat. It is likely that the defeat will be traumatic, and you will need to retreat and regroup. You may have suffered injury to your pride or self-esteem, but the Five of Swords is also a warning of a potential to get caught in the cycle. Handle defeat with grace, move on, and success will come to you.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Success is within your grasp, but only if you face the cause of your failures.
Immediate Influences. This card reveals the nature of the obstacles immediately before you.
There are times in every life, when one must step back and carefully examine their situations and decisions. Finding the Hermit in your spread suggests this is such a time for you. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position. This retreat can be physical, or a search within. Only a deep and honest introspection will lead to a solution, however.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You can expect wise counsel and support, although the source may surprise you.
Recent influences or events in the past from which your current situation has arisen.
The Page of Cups, if it refers to you in your spread, suggests an introspective nature, inclined towards art, and possessing a kind heart. You may let credit you deserve pass you by out of shyness. The card may also be indicative of someone, likely overlooked, in your own life who is in a position to aid you in pursuit of a specific goal. Although somewhat dependent on its position in your spread, the Page is generally the bearer of good news.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
One of your ideas should be developed further.
Reveals a recent influence or event which is coming to an end.
As an inherently good influence, finding the Sun is a positive development. It suggests personal gain, and that personal goals and joy are within reach, if you are willing to invest the effort to actualize them. If you are embarking on a new personal venture, such as marriage or beginning a family, the Sun is of particular influence.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your work or study is forming the basis for a future triumph.
Shows your desired goals and aims, and reveals the best outcome that can be achieved in your current situation.
The Knight of Cups encourages you to remember that victory is not just an exercise in strength of arms, but can be achieved through cleverness and a savvy mind. He can also be given to flights of wild fancy, so you may also interpret him as a warning to maintain your focus. New initiatives in your life are likely on their way, and you must remember to seek novel paths to accomplish goals, but also not lose sight of where you are going.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your goals will change in time, which may be difficult for you to accept at first. These new goals will be reached, however, and you will find satisfaction in your success.
Reveals a new influence that will soon be brought to bear in your life.
Some things in life are beyond your control, and the Eight of Swords suggests that you are being actively held back by some of them. This can be something as personal as a bad boss or as sweeping as international politics. In any case, you are likely finding your options restricted at every turn, and may be experiencing rising frustration and anxiety. Your best course of action lies with the only thing you can control: You. Approach this situation with patience, and be ready to move when the situation changes.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You will miss important chances in life if you let a lack of confidence in yourself rule your better judgment.
This card reveals your negative feelings, and provides additional information about how you feel in your present environment..
Symbolic of life's cycles, the Wheel of Fortune speaks to good beginnings. Most likely, you will find the events foretold to be positive, but, being aspects of luck, they may also be beyond your control and influence. Tend to the things you can control with care, and learn not to agonize over the ones you cannot.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Only by learning the lessons of your mistakes will you gain wisdom or the spiritual growth which accompanies it.
This card shows your influence on the people around you, and their influence on you. It also shows how they fit into your home, work, and surroundings.
The King of Pentacles embodies the mature and dependable aspects of maturity. Anyone represented by this card is tied to success and status. While it may refer to your own characteristics, the Kings most often stand in for other people in your life who can aid you. You can expect this person to value prudence of intelligence, and, if it represents an event, it may be a financial windfall or promotion.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
A powerful new friend will try to advise or protect you.
Your inner emotions.
The Ace of Cups signifies the beginning period of strong emotional health for you. Expect copious joy, happiness, and love to surround you during this time. Existing personal relationships may strengthen, meaningful new ones are likely to form. If marriage is in your future, you are likely to lay the foundations for it during this time.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your burgeoning spiritual awareness will bring a new sense of purpose to your life.
This card reveals the final outcome to your question. It's the product of all the other influences shown in this spread.
The Six of Cups is rooted deep in the past, but it is also a card closely bound to your happiness. It suggests that your family, your old friends, perhaps even past lovers, are in the process of adding greatly to the joys in your life. This card may also refer to past efforts, labours of love, and personal projects rewarding you, usually in an emotional sense, rather than financial.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
A desire with roots far back in your past is finally yours to make reality.