Use this free biorhythm calculator to create a personalized biorhytm chart and discover insights into your cycles of intellect, emotions, and physical well being!
To calculate your biorhythms, please enter your birthday:
Although some mainstream scientists consider the biorhythm reading a pseudoscience, biorhythms are based on the greatest of all sources – the world around you! Everything in nature fluctuates through periodic, rhythmic cycles - so, it makes sense that humans also experience their own cycles.
It all started in the early 20th Century when an open minded psychology scientist from Austria, Dr. Herman Svoboda, recorded some observations of periodicity of different subjects. For example, he noticed that newborn babies refuse to accept food in cyclic patterns. That was the initiation. He extended his studies, which lead him to the discovery of distinct 23 and 28-day cycles. He published his results, with some rules how to predict the critical days in the cycles.
In the 1920's, Alfred Teltscher, a teacher and doctor of engineering, observed a cyclic fluctuation in the intellectual capabilities of his students in a definite 33 day cycle. Practically at the same time, in the United States, some other scientists reported on similar findings for the third, 33 day cycle. The rest is history. Today, more and more people experience lots of benefits by following their biorhythm charts, which is easy and simple to do.
At their core, biorhythms are human existential cycles that regulate our health, emotions and intellect. There are three basic biorhythm cycles: a 23-day physical cycle, a 28-day emotional cycle and a 33-day intellectual cycle. All three cycles begin at our birth and oscillate in a steady (sine wave) mode throughout the whole life. The biorhythm science calculates and shapes the cycles mathematically (don’t worry, it isn’t heavy math!), so to predict a person's level of ability in each of these three aspects from day to day. Here are the cycles with their characteristics:
Critical days are the day a biorhytm crosses the boundary between positive and negative.
Regardless of the general belief that critical days are full of difficulty and danger, these are actually days of instability and flux. They aren’t days to be afraid of but to just be more careful and on guard. Also, critical days aren’t days when accidents occur, but period when a person can be more accident prone. By following your chart you can prevent any accident or mistake.
Some studies have shown that critical period last between 24 and 48 hours. It is important to know that for all cycles the first critical day starts 12 hours before the birth and lasts 12 hours after it. However, the reading of biorhythm cycles isn’t an exact science and the above is given only as a general guideline. Some analysts say that there is a 24 hour period of criticality for all cycles on Day 1 and for the sensitivity cycle on Day 14, but that is 48 hours centered on Day 11 of the Physical cycle and day 16 of the Intellectual cycle. No worries, folks. Just follow your rhythm.
All you need is a biorhythm calculator and your date of birth! We have all of this here, don’t we? Here are the instruction, point after point:
Use this free biorhythm calculator to discover insights about your cycles on intelligence, emotions, and physical well being!
To calculate your biorhythms, please enter your birthday:
We are experience good days, bad days, lucky days or days in between when nothing happens. The reasons why human disposition changes in unknown, but I believe it is good that we live this way. How boring would the world be if we all just stayed the same!? Reading biorhythm cycles can be used to explain some of this with regular practice to predict some general state. Make looking at your biorhythm charts a daily or weekly habit, and become aware how the different levels affect you.
Please, remember that the rise and fall of the cycles are not absolute. You can’t simply predict your future with biorhythms, but you can give yourself a great advantage of informed judgment. With time, you will become an advanced interpreter, so you will be able to understand and explain your daily ups and downs and to prepare for them.
If you're in a critical days, don't just sit around and be scared. Be a little cautious and think carefully about your decisions... and maybe hold of making important decisions for a few days if you can because you know that your energy level may be low during these periods. But ultimately, as long as you are aware of a critical period you can overcome with thought and preparation. You can influence you own “destiny” in a positive manner. And know: Your biorhythm isn’t the only factor that determinates your physical, emotional or intellectual state at a given time. Your will or perhaps we shall say YOUR FREE WILL is the main ruler of your life.
Never be scared to ask for help or advice when you need it, for I believe our lives are a mixture of pure fate, will, and emotional or rational choices that usually rule our destinies. A biorhythm chart only serves to guide you in those choices. It is an advisor how to take control over your life, and that’s great news - but remember, you steer the wild chariot of your life!
Have some fun with your chart :)