King of Pentacles

Confident · Reliable · Security · Success · Wealth

King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles Tarot card

King of Pentacles's Meaning

The King of Pentacles embodies the mature and dependable aspects of maturity. Anyone represented by this card is tied to success and status. While it may refer to your own characteristics, the Kings most often stand in for other people in your life who can aid you. You can expect this person to value prudence of intelligence, and, if it represents an event, it may be a financial windfall or promotion.


The cautious progress you have been making is leading you towards success. The advice you recently received will be helpful in achieving your goals.


The idealism you have shown has made you confident and reliable, but it may do better to begin focusing on your financial security for a period. Consulting a professional or elder will help protect your efforts.


You have intrinsic abilities in the fields of financial profit and material gain, even if you are not aware of them. The money you earn through your own efforts will bring rewards beyond material gain.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The King of Pentacles is a reliable, confident, self-sufficient individual. He shows signs of success, wealth, and endless personal growth. Attaining your goals will likely require some self-exploration as well as a firm commitment on your part, but the outcome looks positive. Your answer is yes.

Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology.

Aries & Taurus

Key dates: April 11 to May 10

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