When you see this card in a Tarot spread, pay extra attention to the messages in the reading. Especially the specific place this card is found. For example, if you see it in the Friends and Family position in the celtic cross spread it means you need to spend time working on those areas of your life.
Outspoken and courageous, you’re a natural leader and organiser. People are drawn to your strong spirit and you are the kind of person who can inspire others to do better just because they want to please you.
You’ve always been able to snap your fingers and people come running but you get bored easily and it’s not unknown for you to have more than one admirer at the same time. You hate the idea of being pinned down and you’re single by choice, firmly in control of your relationship status. Nobody else could be as good company as you and why compromise when your way is the best?
You’re not the most maternal of types, so if you do have children, you treat them more as friends and miniature adults, someone to share adventures with rather than someone you need to look after, even though there’s no doubt that you love your children passionately. You’re the cool parent to your child’s friends, but you don’t care what they think – you’re like this because it suits you, not because you want to make people like you.
You hate routine and being forced into doing anything and you rely on your inner confidence to carry you through any difficult situation. Things always work out in the end for you out of sheer stubbornness, so although you find it hard to stick with any job for long, you know there’s always going to be another one out there. You spend money without thinking of whether you can afford what you’re buying. You’re used to being in debt. How else can you afford the lifestyle you deserve?
Proud with a quick temper, in all aspects of your life, you get what you want and don’t care how you get it. It’s your way or the high way.