Goals and Destiny

Your desires and aims, and the best outcome that can be achieved in your current situation.

Seven of Cups

This card speaks strongly to your inner self. It is trying to tell you something about your unconscious or the realms of your imagination. Your hopes, dreams, and unrealized aspirations are all fair game to the Seven of Cups. It speaks of a deep confusion, or a lack of understanding of your true motivations by your conscious mind. It is time to look carefully at your own motivations and reexamine your goals, but it is also a risky time to act upon your conclusions.

Key interpretations:

  • Confusion
  • Dreams and ambitions
  • Speculating
  • Decision
  • Temptation

In this position, the card reveals:

You have a chance for two successes. The first will come for certain, but if you rest on your laurels you will lose a chance for a second, greater, success.

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