Current Influences

The Wheel of Fortune

Symbolic of life's cycles, the Wheel of Fortune speaks to good beginnings. Most likely, you will find the events foretold to be positive, but, being aspects of luck, they may also be beyond your control and influence. Tend to the things you can control with care, and learn not to agonize over the ones you cannot.

Key interpretations:

  • Change
  • Destiny
  • Good luck
  • Life cycles
  • New direction

In this position, the card reveals:

Luck, good or ill, has found a prominent place in your life at this moment.



An optimistic card, Temperance encourages you to find balance in your life and approach problems with a calm demeanour. It recognizes that opposing forces need not be at war within you. Tread carefully in any major decisions you make, with confidence that good decisions will lead to a good resolution for you.

Key interpretations:

  • Capable
  • Control
  • Harmony and balance
  • Moderation (drugs / alcohol)
  • Self-confidence

In this position, the card reveals:

One of your dreams will come true, or a legal judgment will occur in your favour.

Past Foundations

The Chariot

You have some hard work ahead of you. It may be resolved quickly, but the Chariot is a powerful card, and the labor you are undertaking will probably trend towards the long and difficult. You will quite possibly experience rough roads, long uphill slopes, dead ends, and painful setbacks. A good outcome is only assured if the card is upright, but do not let yourself lose hope: This hard road will instil in you a strength of purpose, the ability to succeed through organization and endurance, and the confidence possessed only by those who have done what they thought they could not. Harnessed correctly, few forces can stand against an individual like that.

Key interpretations:

  • Journey
  • Progression
  • Strong character
  • Success from effort
  • Transportation and movement

In this position, the card reveals:

Your tendency to protect your own interests and psyche has tested your character, and strengthened it, making victory possible.

Past Events

The High Priestess

Your identification with the High Priestess suggests you possess inherent good judgment, in the form of strong intuition. She may indicate that reason should take second place to instinct. Your head must trust in the wisdom of your heart for a change. Yet, she is also an aide by nature, and her presence in certain parts of your spread could be indicative of someone close to you coming to your rescue with their own intuition. Intuition is most effective at seeing what is hidden to the senses, so the High Priestess may also come as a warning of concealed facts or influences that are, or will be, important to you.

Key interpretations:

  • Feminine influences
  • Insightful
  • Mystery
  • Understanding
  • Wisdom

In this position, the card reveals:

You are lacking support in important areas of your life, and should consider the possibility that you have been investing yourself in the wrong people.

Goals and Destiny

Knight of Swords

If you or someone close to you is represented by the Knight of Swords, beware. It is symbolic of a forceful personality, one which combines zealous dedication to success with razor-sharp intellect. However, whether in the form of a companion or your own inner nature, these same attributes can give rise to a formidable enemy. When it refers instead to your circumstances, the Knight suggests you are headed for turbulent times, which can be most successfully faced with decisive action on your part.

Key interpretations:

  • Conflict
  • Destruction
  • Domineering
  • Loss
  • Unexpected

In this position, the card reveals:

A new challenge awaits you. You may avoid it, or you may choose to surmount it and attain new heights.


Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups encourages you to remember that victory is not just an exercise in strength of arms, but can be achieved through cleverness and a savvy mind. He can also be given to flights of wild fancy, so you may also interpret him as a warning to maintain your focus. New initiatives in your life are likely on their way, and you must remember to seek novel paths to accomplish goals, but also not lose sight of where you are going.

Key interpretations:

  • Arrival
  • Creative
  • Invitation
  • New opportunities
  • Proposal

In this position, the card reveals:

Passionate conviction on your part can lead to progress in your work.

The Querant (you)

Queen of Cups

Sensitivity and an affectionate nature are traditionally associated with the Queen of Cups, who is the emotionally open balance to the King. Despite her open nature, you will still find her influence to be largely passive. Particularly for men, her presence is a reminder to stay in touch with the emotional aspects of their character. You should take her presence as a gentle hand seeking to show you the power of your own inner aspects, whose power may be obscured by their quiet nature.

Key interpretations:

  • Intuitive
  • Mature, Sensitive Woman
  • Spouse
  • Virtuous
  • Wise

In this position, the card reveals:

You can ensure your future success if you learn to correctly read your own intuition.

Friends and Family

King of Swords

The King of Swords represents the professional aspects of authority. Often associated with those in legal or business careers, he most likely represents someone who will aid you in one of these fields. This person may be assertive, or even seek to dominate you in their confidence that they know how best to aid you. While they may be friendly, their primary motivation is unlikely to be emotional.

Key interpretations:

  • A Mature, authoritative man
  • Assertive
  • Authority
  • Government / Legal
  • Leadership

In this position, the card reveals:

You will score a victory over people who delight in rumour and scandal.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

The Empress

Traditionally associated with strong maternal influence, the presence of the Empress is excellent news if you are looking for harmony in your marriage or hoping to start a family. Any artistic endeavours you are currently associated with are also likely to be more successful, as this card often finds those exposed to strong bursts of creative or artistic energy. That creative energy may not be in the form of a painting or art project, however: This card also suggests a very strong possibility of pregnancy -- not necessarily yours, but you might be seeing a new addition to your extended family or the family of a close friend in the near future! This card is a good sign for you and those around you.

Key interpretations:

  • Abundant creativity
  • Fertility
  • Fulfillment
  • Mother figure
  • Productivity

In this position, the card reveals:

You are being influenced strongly by your desire to succeed and expand as a person -- and your desire for recognition of your abilities.

The Final Outcome

Three of Pentacles

If you can maintain a clear sense of purpose over the coming months, you are well positioned to see your hard work get the recognition it deserves. While it is not guaranteed, and it may tax your interpersonal skills, if you maintain your own pace and trust in others, recognition will be yours. That outcome will be worth your determination, as it may not only provide material reward, but also lead to a sense of lasting accomplishment.

Key interpretations:

  • Excellence
  • Mastery
  • Satisfaction
  • Success
  • Teamwork

In this position, the card reveals:

Your talents or honour will gain you esteem in time.