The Ace of Cups signifies the beginning period of strong emotional health for you. Expect copious joy, happiness, and love to surround you during this time. Existing personal relationships may strengthen, meaningful new ones are likely to form. If marriage is in your future, you are likely to lay the foundations for it during this time.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
This is a time of spiritual nourishment and emotional replenishment for you.
Dark and foreboding, the Tower is the embodiment of disruption and conflict. Not just change, but the abrupt and jarring movement caused by the unforeseen and traumatic events which are part of life. The Tower in your spread is always a threat, but life inevitably involves tragedy, and you must decide whether you will face it with grace.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Something long simmering in your life is about to reach a boil.
Justice is a very good card to find in your spread if you have acted with kindness and fairness towards others and especially if you have been a victim. It is a significant indicator of a positive resolution, although how and what sort will depend on your own experiences. If you have been unfair, abusive, or otherwise shady and immoral in your dealings, be careful. For the unjust, this card is, at best, a dire warning to change your ways before retribution falls upon you, and, at worst, a simple statement that it is already too late. In neutral cases, it may simply be telling you to seek out balance in your life.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your attempts to balance emotions will result in harmonious partnerships.
The Six of Cups is rooted deep in the past, but it is also a card closely bound to your happiness. It suggests that your family, your old friends, perhaps even past lovers, are in the process of adding greatly to the joys in your life. This card may also refer to past efforts, labours of love, and personal projects rewarding you, usually in an emotional sense, rather than financial.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your present good fortune is the reward for your past efforts. You should take some time to enjoy it, but limit yourself.
You almost certainly have great reserves of courage, and the perseverance to see yourself through difficult times. You may not be aware you possess these qualities, but you will find yourself needing them soon. Expect conflicts, possibly small, but more likely significant. It is not certain where they will arise, but there is no doubt you possess the ability to overcome your adversaries.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You have overcome, or soon will, the last major challenge of your life. There may be battles ahead, but they will be small in comparison; or perhaps you will have grown to match the challenge.
One of the more negative card to discover in your spread, the Nine of Swords foretells or describes a powerful mental anguish. The source of this anguish may well be within you, arising from you being too quick to cast a negative light on your actions or abilities. It may also arise from paranoia. Despite often being unfounded, your pain can take the form of sleeplessness, of fear, depression, loneliness and isolation. Beware pushing away those who are seeking to help you, and find the courage to reach out for help. Even if these feelings are based in reality, it may be difficult for you to clearly find a solution in your current state. Carefully consider the other cards in your spread, look for cards associated with potential sources of aid and counsel.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You will experience feeling of hopelessness until you learn to cut yourself some slack. No one is perfect, and you may not be able to live up to the standards you have set for yourself.
The King of Wands may signify an upcoming financial windfall for you. It can also represent an association with a masculine authority figure, a leader and arbitrator. You may find yourself aided in solving a dispute. Be open to the advice of those with more experience than yourself.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your enthusiasm for clever strategy will win the day.
Your mental focus can put you on track to leave your current troubles behind, leading to better times ahead. It is important to face your problems from a mental standpoint, thinking through them. There is still trouble ahead for you, but the worst is over.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You are on your way to a better, happier, environment.
Symbolic of life's cycles, the Wheel of Fortune speaks to good beginnings. Most likely, you will find the events foretold to be positive, but, being aspects of luck, they may also be beyond your control and influence. Tend to the things you can control with care, and learn not to agonize over the ones you cannot.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You should prepare yourself for an abrupt change.
Something in your life is not what it seems. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself. It may also indicate something important being kept from you by another. This may be a source of worry or depression in your life, and the Moon is a strong indicator that you must rely on your intuition to see through the deceit.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your imagination will bring you success, if you temper your sharp mind with practical action. Art is as much discipline as it is creation, and you must remember this as you struggle to reach your potential.
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