Current Influences

Two of Cups

The single resounding theme associated with the Two of Cups is partnership. What sort of partnership is less clear, but you are in the past, present, or future, part of a powerful one. This partnership will involve absolute trust and command respect. It may, of course, be a particularly emotional love affair, but it could just as easily be a deep and abiding friendship. The exact nature may be revealed by the rest of the spread. It will be a source of happiness for you, a presence in your life you can count on at every turn, and whose well-being will be as important to you as your own.

Key interpretations:

  • Commitment
  • Friendship
  • Love
  • Partnership
  • Relationship

In this position, the card reveals:

You will meet a rare kindred soul, and feel the rewards of the emotional exchange.


The Chariot

You have some hard work ahead of you. It may be resolved quickly, but the Chariot is a powerful card, and the labor you are undertaking will probably trend towards the long and difficult. You will quite possibly experience rough roads, long uphill slopes, dead ends, and painful setbacks. A good outcome is only assured if the card is upright, but do not let yourself lose hope: This hard road will instil in you a strength of purpose, the ability to succeed through organization and endurance, and the confidence possessed only by those who have done what they thought they could not. Harnessed correctly, few forces can stand against an individual like that.

Key interpretations:

  • Journey
  • Progression
  • Strong character
  • Success from effort
  • Transportation and movement

In this position, the card reveals:

You should expect a message bringing good news.

Past Foundations

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen is a card steeped in the tradition of family, and reflects a person, usually a woman, who is financially adroit, and possesses a very pragmatic, practical, nature. This person will come to your aid in some financial matter, most likely advice on how to better manage your money.

Key interpretations:

  • Abundance
  • Financial help
  • Practicality
  • Prosperity
  • Wealth

In this position, the card reveals:

The talents you have developed will give you the opportunity to create a secure environment.

Past Events

The Hierophant

Depending on your nature, the Heirophant can mean very different things. At its root, it represents doctrine, but doctrine can come in the form of teaching and guidance or rigid authority. Where it appears in your spread is also important, as it is most often indicative of your own approach to the moral, religious, and social conventions of the world. Considered wisely, it helps show the path towards fulfillment.

Key interpretations:

  • Approval
  • Conformity
  • Consent
  • Good advice
  • Marriage or Union

In this position, the card reveals:

Learn from your past. Experience is your best teacher.

Goals and Destiny

Seven of Wands

You almost certainly have great reserves of courage, and the perseverance to see yourself through difficult times. You may not be aware you possess these qualities, but you will find yourself needing them soon. Expect conflicts, possibly small, but more likely significant. It is not certain where they will arise, but there is no doubt you possess the ability to overcome your adversaries.

Key interpretations:

  • Coping and Resistance
  • Courage
  • Long-term successes
  • Perseverance
  • Strength

In this position, the card reveals:

You have overcome, or soon will, the last major challenge of your life. There may be battles ahead, but they will be small in comparison; or perhaps you will have grown to match the challenge.


King of Cups

The King of Cups is the worldly and calm projection of authority. To find him in your spread is most likely a reference to someone else who will aid you in achieving your goals. This person may seem unconcerned, even distant, but their motivations are pure. Whatever advice they give will be important to you and should be considered in your own deliberations. If it does refer to you personally, it shows an inner strength and tightly disciplined control of emotions.

Key interpretations:

  • Compassionate
  • Good advice / Helpful
  • Integrity
  • Mature, Authoritative Man
  • Spouse

In this position, the card reveals:

If you want peace, seek advice. You cannot find it on your own.

The Querant (you)

The Wheel of Fortune

Symbolic of life's cycles, the Wheel of Fortune speaks to good beginnings. Most likely, you will find the events foretold to be positive, but, being aspects of luck, they may also be beyond your control and influence. Tend to the things you can control with care, and learn not to agonize over the ones you cannot.

Key interpretations:

  • Change
  • Destiny
  • Good luck
  • Life cycles
  • New direction

In this position, the card reveals:

Only by learning the lessons of your mistakes will you gain wisdom or the spiritual growth which accompanies it.

Friends and Family

Ten of Pentacles

Your financial security and emotional well-being are both positively indicated by the presence of this card in your spread. This is only partially your own doing, however, as these positive aspects are inextricably bound up in your close relationships with friends and family. It may also foretell an inheritance.

Key interpretations:

  • Close relationships
  • Family
  • Fortune
  • Inheritance
  • Prosperous

In this position, the card reveals:

You will need to be careful in your evaluation of others, and not let your objectivity be clouded.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles can, depending on the rest of your spread, refer to financial matters, employment, or relationships. Unfortunately, it is a negative indicator for all of them, suggesting duplicity, loss of jobs, and the possibility of infidelity. This is a time for you to carefully evaluate what matters in your life and work out your priorities, such as whether your job or your relationship matters most. In order to mitigate the damage in some areas of your life, you may have to let some of the others fall away.

Key interpretations:

  • Emotional or Financial troubles
  • Inadequacy
  • Poverty
  • Scarcity
  • Worry

In this position, the card reveals:

Your future happiness can be ensured by objective examination of your past, and honest evaluation of what is truly important to you.

The Final Outcome

Eight of Wands

Prepare yourself for an abrupt increase in the pace of your life. Things are about to get very busy. The good news is that any projects you begin will progress quickly, you will experience few delays, and the conclusion is likely to be successful. This card is also good news for relationships, although it raises the possibility of needing to travel for relationships. All things considered, this is a good card to find in your spread, as long as you are willing to buckle down and get to work.

Key interpretations:

  • Hasty actions
  • Journey and Travel
  • A Journey or Flight
  • Motion
  • End to a delay

In this position, the card reveals:

A new venture will bring you success.