Current Influences

Your present position. This card reveals influences, and shows the general direction of the reading.

Knight of Swords

If you or someone close to you is represented by the Knight of Swords, beware. It is symbolic of a forceful personality, one which combines zealous dedication to success with razor-sharp intellect. However, whether in the form of a companion or your own inner nature, these same attributes can give rise to a formidable enemy. When it refers instead to your circumstances, the Knight suggests you are headed for turbulent times, which can be most successfully faced with decisive action on your part.

Key interpretations:

  • Conflict
  • Destruction
  • Domineering
  • Loss
  • Unexpected

In this position, the card reveals:

Expect a presence in your life, displaying strength and confidence, and associated with a sudden change, a departure from a comfort zone, possibly leading to an end to your current difficulties.

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