The Page is always an intellectual card, and the suit of Pentacles is traditionally associated with introspection and conscientiousness, which may form the basis of your own personality. When acting as a portent, the Page brings good tidings for you or young people close to you, likely in academic or financial fields.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Significant news is about to enter your life, possibly accompanied by a scholastic youth, trending towards the rebellious and overly confident in their opinions.
A balanced card by nature the Seven suggest you will avoid failure, but fall short of runaway success in an endeavour. Or, equally possible, that you will achieve your goals, but not in the time frame you had hoped for. You will face setbacks, and in order to succeed you will need to take care to avoid becoming too hesitant or timid. Progress may be slow or difficult, but it is possible.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
A long period of hard work will finally bring progress for you.
Representing order and stability, combined with the tumultuous nature of the Swords, the Four of Swords offers you respite from the battles in your life. The peace may be temporary, but appreciate it while it lasts. It may point towards recovery from prolonged illness.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Your past plans may not have adequately prepared you for the coming changes in your life.
The King of Cups is the worldly and calm projection of authority. To find him in your spread is most likely a reference to someone else who will aid you in achieving your goals. This person may seem unconcerned, even distant, but their motivations are pure. Whatever advice they give will be important to you and should be considered in your own deliberations. If it does refer to you personally, it shows an inner strength and tightly disciplined control of emotions.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You have recently been in need of good advice, and might do well to seek a professional.
Counterpart to the Empress, the Emperor signifies a powerful influence, generally male in nature. This can also include concepts in your life historically considered masculine, such as leadership and authority, self-discipline, and stability through the power of action. Its positive influences suggest you may be on a path to advancement or promotion, but it can also be neutral. Often a companion to those destined to take on greater responsibility, it may indicate change or loss that necessitates you stepping forward to shoulder a greater burden than you have in the past. Whatever the driving force for the change, it indicates you may possess an uncommon inner strength that will compel you act and to lead.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
There is a potential for you to attain a position of success and authority, or succeed in an entrepreneurial venture, but you will not get there alone. You will need help from people currently in positions of power; cultivate those relationships carefully.
The Knight of Wands is a maverick's card, and it may be associated with you if you are prone to spontaneity, or shifting your positions quickly. This may lead some to see you as capricious, but most will enjoy your energy. This card can also signify change for you, likely in the form of travel, or a change in your environment. Beware, it may well happen suddenly!
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
A sudden decision, not necessarily one you control, will bring with it new challenges.
Justice is a very good card to find in your spread if you have acted with kindness and fairness towards others and especially if you have been a victim. It is a significant indicator of a positive resolution, although how and what sort will depend on your own experiences. If you have been unfair, abusive, or otherwise shady and immoral in your dealings, be careful. For the unjust, this card is, at best, a dire warning to change your ways before retribution falls upon you, and, at worst, a simple statement that it is already too late. In neutral cases, it may simply be telling you to seek out balance in your life.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
You may be too inclined to judge others by appearance. Learn to look beneath.
The Ten of Swords is a cause for fear for any who believe in the power of the cards, and you should prepare yourself for whatever it suggests. It is one of many cards which can represent disaster, but unlike the others, this card predicts a disaster which cannot be avoided. It foretells not only a complete failure but an unavoidable one. What is more, the failure will not be small or easily overcome. This is not a fortune to be changed or avoided, only endured. If you stay strong, new dreams can be built from the ashes.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
The slowing down of your financial affairs will have an important effect on your daily life.
Your financial security and emotional well-being are both positively indicated by the presence of this card in your spread. This is only partially your own doing, however, as these positive aspects are inextricably bound up in your close relationships with friends and family. It may also foretell an inheritance.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
Plan your future carefully, as older members of your family may need your support in the future.
The presence of the Three of Swords in your spread suggests significant pain in your life. This pain is likely caused by, or the result of, conflict, perhaps due to disrupted partnership or friendship. This pain may be part of a new beginning, but you must face your pain honestly to overcome it.
Key interpretations:
In this position, the card reveals:
The darkness upon you will soon flee the coming dawn.
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