Friends and Family

Your influence on the people around you, and their influence on you - and how they fit into your home, work, and surroundings.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is, as always, bound up in the forces of change, and of balance. Like its brothers, the Two of Pentacles can mean good or ill, but it as a strong indicator that the status quo will be disrupted. There will be challenges in your future, but your fate is largely in your own hands in the sense that the final outcome depends own how you respond to these challenges. This card suggests your best outcome is one that can be reached through prudence and careful planning.

Key interpretations:

  • Balance
  • Fluctuating Wealth
  • Juggling
  • Prudence
  • Transfer or Exchange

In this position, the card reveals:

Generous help will be made available to you by others.

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