Current Influences

Nine of Swords

One of the more negative card to discover in your spread, the Nine of Swords foretells or describes a powerful mental anguish. The source of this anguish may well be within you, arising from you being too quick to cast a negative light on your actions or abilities. It may also arise from paranoia. Despite often being unfounded, your pain can take the form of sleeplessness, of fear, depression, loneliness and isolation. Beware pushing away those who are seeking to help you, and find the courage to reach out for help. Even if these feelings are based in reality, it may be difficult for you to clearly find a solution in your current state. Carefully consider the other cards in your spread, look for cards associated with potential sources of aid and counsel.

Key interpretations:

  • Accidents
  • Paranoia
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Mental anguish

In this position, the card reveals:

Your suffering has brought you strength, and from it a new life.


Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups suggests that there is stability and security in your life, but at a personal cost. You are probably unfulfilled by your current life. Depending on the rest of your spread, it may be a strong push for you to move on, and find the courage to strike out in a new direction. You will have to look closely at your work, your relationship, and your own beliefs to identify the source of your dissatisfaction, and then decide if you are willing to set aside some of your life's stability in order to find happiness.

Key interpretations:

  • Abandonment
  • Avoiding
  • Changes in lifestyle
  • Leaving / Going
  • Personal development

In this position, the card reveals:

You will be traveling somewhere new, though this may be mental or physical.

Past Foundations

The High Priestess

Your identification with the High Priestess suggests you possess inherent good judgment, in the form of strong intuition. She may indicate that reason should take second place to instinct. Your head must trust in the wisdom of your heart for a change. Yet, she is also an aide by nature, and her presence in certain parts of your spread could be indicative of someone close to you coming to your rescue with their own intuition. Intuition is most effective at seeing what is hidden to the senses, so the High Priestess may also come as a warning of concealed facts or influences that are, or will be, important to you.

Key interpretations:

  • Feminine influences
  • Insightful
  • Mystery
  • Understanding
  • Wisdom

In this position, the card reveals:

Your life has entered a cycle of renewal, and you may find yourself leaving your comfort zone in search of personal development or occult experiences.

Past Events

The Devil

The Devil is in the business of entrapment. It signifies a situation from which there is no escape, or a road leading to one. Forewarning may let you avoid the trap, or it may not. What sort of trap, and how you might avoid it, depends on where the Devil appears in your spread, and what other cards surround it. This card does not foretell doom, only the need for prudence.

Key interpretations:

  • Anger
  • Jealousy and resentment
  • Self-delusion
  • Selfishness
  • Violence

In this position, the card reveals:

Negative influences have been slowing your progress. You will find moving forward much easier once you eliminate them from your life.

Goals and Destiny

Seven of Pentacles

A balanced card by nature the Seven suggest you will avoid failure, but fall short of runaway success in an endeavour. Or, equally possible, that you will achieve your goals, but not in the time frame you had hoped for. You will face setbacks, and in order to succeed you will need to take care to avoid becoming too hesitant or timid. Progress may be slow or difficult, but it is possible.

Key interpretations:

  • Business & Trade
  • Long-term success
  • Occupation
  • Perseverance
  • Wealth

In this position, the card reveals:

Meaningful growth will only come to you through sustained effort and commitment.


Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is, as always, bound up in the forces of change, and of balance. Like its brothers, the Two of Pentacles can mean good or ill, but it as a strong indicator that the status quo will be disrupted. There will be challenges in your future, but your fate is largely in your own hands in the sense that the final outcome depends own how you respond to these challenges. This card suggests your best outcome is one that can be reached through prudence and careful planning.

Key interpretations:

  • Balance
  • Fluctuating Wealth
  • Juggling
  • Prudence
  • Transfer or Exchange

In this position, the card reveals:

One of your talents can open the door to your success.

The Querant (you)

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man can be interpreted in two very different ways. All change is a small kind of death, as the old must die to create the new, and it may simply indicate upheaval or change in your future, perhaps beyond your control, but more likely a decision that, for good or ill, you will not be able to turn back from. The other interpretation is one of sacrifice, although whether this sacrifice is small or great may not be easily interpreted. Both interpretations imply permanence, and that you should give very careful thought to the decisions in your life.

Key interpretations:

  • A period of transition
  • Gaining for a sacrifice
  • Suspending
  • Restricting
  • Discontinued

In this position, the card reveals:

Recognize the old behaviours holding you back, and change them.

Friends and Family

Six of Wands

Your past efforts are about to pay dividends if you find the Six of Wands in your spread. Whether in the form of recognition for your past work or material reward, some level of success is in your future. If you are waiting for some particular news, this card is most likely a signal of good news. However, it is also gentle reminder that magnanimity and grace should accompany your success. To avoid losing friends and inviting retributions, do not let the good fortune go to your head.

Key interpretations:

  • Completion
  • Good news
  • Reward and Recognition
  • Success
  • Triumph

In this position, the card reveals:

A valuable ally will lend you their support. This may not be entirely without strings, but it will also help you greatly in pursuit of your desires.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

The Fool

The Fool is a very powerful card in the Tarot deck, usually representing a new beginning -- and, consequently, an end to something in your old life. The Fool's position in your spread reveals which aspects of your life may be subject to change. The Fool signals important decisions ahead which may not be easy to make, and could involve an element of risk for you. Approach the changes with optimism and care to gain the most positive outcome.

Key interpretations:

  • Carefree
  • Foolish
  • Important decisions
  • New beginnings
  • Optimistic

In this position, the card reveals:

You face a new beginning in your life, listen carefully to your own heart, be certain it is the life you want.

The Final Outcome

Nine of Cups

This card is a very powerful positive indicator for you! It represents a lasting or powerful contentment in your life. While nothing is permanent, somewhere along your life's path you can expect to be truly happy. It is heavily tied to creative endeavour and good wishes for the future.

Key interpretations:

  • Complete
  • Fulfilled
  • Generous
  • Pleasure
  • Satisfaction

In this position, the card reveals:

One single overriding wish or desire is yours to make reality. Take the time to choose the right one, consider your path with both your heart and your mind, and when you are certain, put all of both into the action.