The Final Outcome

The answer to your question. It's the product of all the other influences shown in this spread.

Six of Wands

Your past efforts are about to pay dividends if you find the Six of Wands in your spread. Whether in the form of recognition for your past work or material reward, some level of success is in your future. If you are waiting for some particular news, this card is most likely a signal of good news. However, it is also gentle reminder that magnanimity and grace should accompany your success. To avoid losing friends and inviting retributions, do not let the good fortune go to your head.

Key interpretations:

  • Completion
  • Good news
  • Reward and Recognition
  • Success
  • Triumph

In this position, the card reveals:

Trials and tribulation, hardships and pain, challenges and defeat. These words all describe moments on the road ahead of you, but one word describes its end: Triumph.

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