Current Influences

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is associated with an outgoing and friendly personality, indicating you are extroverted but self-contained. An independent streak may contrast with your strong attachment to your close friends and family. Depending on its position in your spread, this card may also refer to someone close to you who you can rely on.

Key interpretations:

  • Career-oriented
  • Hard worker
  • Honest
  • Independent and home-loving
  • Thoughtful

In this position, the card reveals:

Expect a feminine influence to advise you, likely on matters of the home, career, or finances. Expect a generous spirit given towards tolerance, easy to form a friendship with.


Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is a maverick's card, and it may be associated with you if you are prone to spontaneity, or shifting your positions quickly. This may lead some to see you as capricious, but most will enjoy your energy. This card can also signify change for you, likely in the form of travel, or a change in your environment. Beware, it may well happen suddenly!

Key interpretations:

  • Challenging
  • Determination
  • Foreign travel
  • Leader
  • Unpredictability

In this position, the card reveals:

You will make a sudden decision, and it may result in a long journey or a permanent move.

Past Foundations

Four of Wands

Peace and security follow in the wake of the Four of Wands, usually in the smaller aspects of your life. Do not let the limited scope bring you to underestimate the joy that simple successes can bring, however: This is a card of good endings and fresh starts. Its presence should be welcome if you are beginning a new relationship or a new phase of one, such as marriage or engagement, and is especially good for those about to move residences.

Key interpretations:

  • Celebrations and happiness
  • Completion
  • Harmony
  • New beginnings
  • Pleasure

In this position, the card reveals:

Your satisfaction and rewards are the result of consistent effort.

Past Events

King of Swords

The King of Swords represents the professional aspects of authority. Often associated with those in legal or business careers, he most likely represents someone who will aid you in one of these fields. This person may be assertive, or even seek to dominate you in their confidence that they know how best to aid you. While they may be friendly, their primary motivation is unlikely to be emotional.

Key interpretations:

  • A Mature, authoritative man
  • Assertive
  • Authority
  • Government / Legal
  • Leadership

In this position, the card reveals:

Future plans will either succeed or fail based on your willingness to invest foresight and strategy into your current actions. Look to the recent past to see the pieces in play.

Goals and Destiny

The Emperor

Counterpart to the Empress, the Emperor signifies a powerful influence, generally male in nature. This can also include concepts in your life historically considered masculine, such as leadership and authority, self-discipline, and stability through the power of action. Its positive influences suggest you may be on a path to advancement or promotion, but it can also be neutral. Often a companion to those destined to take on greater responsibility, it may indicate change or loss that necessitates you stepping forward to shoulder a greater burden than you have in the past. Whatever the driving force for the change, it indicates you may possess an uncommon inner strength that will compel you act and to lead.

Key interpretations:

  • Authority
  • Father figure
  • Masculine influence
  • Rational
  • Stable

In this position, the card reveals:

There is a potential for you to attain a position of success and authority, or succeed in an entrepreneurial venture, but you will not get there alone. You will need help from people currently in positions of power; cultivate those relationships carefully.


The Hierophant

Depending on your nature, the Heirophant can mean very different things. At its root, it represents doctrine, but doctrine can come in the form of teaching and guidance or rigid authority. Where it appears in your spread is also important, as it is most often indicative of your own approach to the moral, religious, and social conventions of the world. Considered wisely, it helps show the path towards fulfillment.

Key interpretations:

  • Approval
  • Conformity
  • Consent
  • Good advice
  • Marriage or Union

In this position, the card reveals:

Your future success will depend on solid organization.

The Querant (you)

Seven of Swords

Another card which indicates forces opposing you, the Seven of Swords points to there being a single source of your frustration. This is both positive, in that you may be able to identify that source and change your circumstances, and negative, in that this source may well be aware of you and deliberately sabotaging you. The road to your success does not lie in direct confrontation, however, but instead in guile. Instead of attacking the obstacles raised against you, find ways around them.

Key interpretations:

  • Avoiding confrontation
  • Failure
  • Incomplete
  • Theft
  • Unknown opponents

In this position, the card reveals:

You should take the time to have an escape plan in place.

Friends and Family

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen is a card steeped in the tradition of family, and reflects a person, usually a woman, who is financially adroit, and possesses a very pragmatic, practical, nature. This person will come to your aid in some financial matter, most likely advice on how to better manage your money.

Key interpretations:

  • Abundance
  • Financial help
  • Practicality
  • Prosperity
  • Wealth

In this position, the card reveals:

You will earn the respect of loved ones as your inner strength becomes more and more apparent.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

The Star

The Star's presence signifies a period of respite and renewal for you. This renewal may be spiritual, physical, or both. It is a particularly positive sign if you or someone close is recovering from illness or injury. It is a light in the darkness, illuminating your future and your past.

Key interpretations:

  • Calm and serenity
  • Destiny
  • Hope
  • Opportunity
  • Renewal

In this position, the card reveals:

Harmony in your life is being held at bay by your reluctance to make a decision.

The Final Outcome

The Hermit

There are times in every life, when one must step back and carefully examine their situations and decisions. Finding the Hermit in your spread suggests this is such a time for you. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position. This retreat can be physical, or a search within. Only a deep and honest introspection will lead to a solution, however.

Key interpretations:

  • Detachment
  • Guidance
  • Solitude
  • Soul-searching and introspection
  • Thinking and reflection

In this position, the card reveals:

Life has tested you, and now you are prepared as few will ever be. No matter what the future holds, you will be well and truly prepared to make the best of it.