Current Influences

Your present position. This card reveals influences, and shows the general direction of the reading.

Three of Wands

If you can manage to consistently bring your creativity and inventiveness to the table, then the Three of Wands brings good news. You are about to enter a time where your potential for productivity and accomplishment is very favourable. Keep your eyes open for new career opportunities and your mind open to new possibilities. The rewards these new opportunities bring, however, will take some time. You will need to be patient and stick around for the long haul. Also, look for new allies, as any new undertakings will be most successful if undertaken as partnerships.

Key interpretations:

  • Achievement
  • Fresh starts
  • Long-term success
  • Partnerships
  • Trade

In this position, the card reveals:

Be on the lookout for a new partnership. It will help you on your path towards wealth or fame.

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