Current Influences

Six of Wands

Your past efforts are about to pay dividends if you find the Six of Wands in your spread. Whether in the form of recognition for your past work or material reward, some level of success is in your future. If you are waiting for some particular news, this card is most likely a signal of good news. However, it is also gentle reminder that magnanimity and grace should accompany your success. To avoid losing friends and inviting retributions, do not let the good fortune go to your head.

Key interpretations:

  • Completion
  • Good news
  • Reward and Recognition
  • Success
  • Triumph

In this position, the card reveals:

Your struggles are about to lead to success.


The Emperor

Counterpart to the Empress, the Emperor signifies a powerful influence, generally male in nature. This can also include concepts in your life historically considered masculine, such as leadership and authority, self-discipline, and stability through the power of action. Its positive influences suggest you may be on a path to advancement or promotion, but it can also be neutral. Often a companion to those destined to take on greater responsibility, it may indicate change or loss that necessitates you stepping forward to shoulder a greater burden than you have in the past. Whatever the driving force for the change, it indicates you may possess an uncommon inner strength that will compel you act and to lead.

Key interpretations:

  • Authority
  • Father figure
  • Masculine influence
  • Rational
  • Stable

In this position, the card reveals:

You may find yourself aided unexpectedly by someone in a position of authority, perhaps a businessman or an older professional with experience.

Past Foundations

Page of Swords

Your personality may trend towards the stubborn and opinionated, if the Page represents you in the spread, but it is also indicative of strong analytical skills and an energetic nature. You have a predilection towards identifying the core of issues and accurately assessing your own stance on them. This will allow you to become an excellent negotiator. If the card refers to a situation, prepare yourself to make many important decisions quickly. Trust in your reason and your judgment to navigate these difficulties.

Key interpretations:

  • Aggressive
  • Challenging
  • Change
  • Intelligent
  • Vigilant

In this position, the card reveals:

Mental faculties you have not made use of in a long time are being stirred into activity.

Past Events


An optimistic card, Temperance encourages you to find balance in your life and approach problems with a calm demeanour. It recognizes that opposing forces need not be at war within you. Tread carefully in any major decisions you make, with confidence that good decisions will lead to a good resolution for you.

Key interpretations:

  • Capable
  • Control
  • Harmony and balance
  • Moderation (drugs / alcohol)
  • Self-confidence

In this position, the card reveals:

You have recently been learning to work more harmoniously with others, and this is a trend that you should labor to continue.

Goals and Destiny

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords is a cause for fear for any who believe in the power of the cards, and you should prepare yourself for whatever it suggests. It is one of many cards which can represent disaster, but unlike the others, this card predicts a disaster which cannot be avoided. It foretells not only a complete failure but an unavoidable one. What is more, the failure will not be small or easily overcome. This is not a fortune to be changed or avoided, only endured. If you stay strong, new dreams can be built from the ashes.

Key interpretations:

  • End
  • Failure
  • Mortality
  • New hope
  • Ruin

In this position, the card reveals:

There is a situation ahead, and you can only face it if you are honest with yourself. Without the strength of self-knowledge, no happy outcome is possible.


Four of Swords

Representing order and stability, combined with the tumultuous nature of the Swords, the Four of Swords offers you respite from the battles in your life. The peace may be temporary, but appreciate it while it lasts. It may point towards recovery from prolonged illness.

Key interpretations:

  • Delays
  • Healing
  • Rest
  • Sickness
  • Withdrawal

In this position, the card reveals:

There is no reason to rush in the near future. Take the time to decide what is best for you and the people you care about, and plan out future actions.

The Querant (you)

Four of Pentacles

Perhaps through a gift or inheritance, or possibly through your own business know-how, you are on a path leading towards financial and material security. This will likely be a pleasant chapter of your life, wherein your emotional and spiritual needs are satisfied.

Key interpretations:

  • Certainty
  • Possessive
  • Reliable
  • Security
  • Tenacity

In this position, the card reveals:

Do not lose sight of the fact that material wealth does not guarantee security.

Friends and Family

Three of Pentacles

If you can maintain a clear sense of purpose over the coming months, you are well positioned to see your hard work get the recognition it deserves. While it is not guaranteed, and it may tax your interpersonal skills, if you maintain your own pace and trust in others, recognition will be yours. That outcome will be worth your determination, as it may not only provide material reward, but also lead to a sense of lasting accomplishment.

Key interpretations:

  • Excellence
  • Mastery
  • Satisfaction
  • Success
  • Teamwork

In this position, the card reveals:

You will receive cooperation from a group of friends or a society.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

The World

The World is an indicator of a major and inexorable change, of tectonic breadth. This change represents a chance for you to bring about a desirable end to the Old and a good beginning to the New. It is indicative of growing maturity, a sense of inner balance and deeper understanding. It suggests that you may be approaching a more final sense of identity, and the security in the self that comes with age. It also represents the falling away of boundaries, sometimes in the effusive sense of the spiritual, but sometimes in a purely physical sense, indicating travels or journeys in the future.

Key interpretations:

  • Certainty
  • Completion
  • Positive
  • Reward
  • Satisfaction

In this position, the card reveals:

Travel to new and exciting places lies ahead for you.

The Final Outcome

Eight of Wands

Prepare yourself for an abrupt increase in the pace of your life. Things are about to get very busy. The good news is that any projects you begin will progress quickly, you will experience few delays, and the conclusion is likely to be successful. This card is also good news for relationships, although it raises the possibility of needing to travel for relationships. All things considered, this is a good card to find in your spread, as long as you are willing to buckle down and get to work.

Key interpretations:

  • Hasty actions
  • Journey and Travel
  • A Journey or Flight
  • Motion
  • End to a delay

In this position, the card reveals:

A new venture will bring you success.