Current Influences

Eight of Wands

Prepare yourself for an abrupt increase in the pace of your life. Things are about to get very busy. The good news is that any projects you begin will progress quickly, you will experience few delays, and the conclusion is likely to be successful. This card is also good news for relationships, although it raises the possibility of needing to travel for relationships. All things considered, this is a good card to find in your spread, as long as you are willing to buckle down and get to work.

Key interpretations:

  • Hasty actions
  • Journey and Travel
  • A Journey or Flight
  • Motion
  • End to a delay

In this position, the card reveals:

A time is upon you to seize initiative. Do not let the chance pass you by!


King of Wands

The King of Wands may signify an upcoming financial windfall for you. It can also represent an association with a masculine authority figure, a leader and arbitrator. You may find yourself aided in solving a dispute. Be open to the advice of those with more experience than yourself.

Key interpretations:

  • Authority figure
  • Financial gain
  • Honest and trustworthy
  • Mediation
  • Professional

In this position, the card reveals:

You will find unexpected success through help promoting your ideas.

Past Foundations

Eight of Pentacles

If you are involved in any work requiring creative inspiration or craftsmanship, the Eight of Pentacles is a very positive card. This is especially true if you are using skills you are still trying to master. This is as likely to be a hobby as your primary work. Unlike most of the suit, financial gain is not necessarily indicated, but a spiritual reward is. This is also not a guarantee, but rather a suggestion that if you are prudent and organized in your attempts, success is the likelier outcome.

Key interpretations:

  • Apprentice
  • Career
  • Craftsmanship
  • New skills
  • Prudence

In this position, the card reveals:

The talents you have discovered and developed will be helpful to you on the road ahead.

Past Events

The Emperor

Counterpart to the Empress, the Emperor signifies a powerful influence, generally male in nature. This can also include concepts in your life historically considered masculine, such as leadership and authority, self-discipline, and stability through the power of action. Its positive influences suggest you may be on a path to advancement or promotion, but it can also be neutral. Often a companion to those destined to take on greater responsibility, it may indicate change or loss that necessitates you stepping forward to shoulder a greater burden than you have in the past. Whatever the driving force for the change, it indicates you may possess an uncommon inner strength that will compel you act and to lead.

Key interpretations:

  • Authority
  • Father figure
  • Masculine influence
  • Rational
  • Stable

In this position, the card reveals:

A recent tangle with authority is in the process of reaching a final solution, although that may be positive or negative. This may be your last chance to bring about the result you are hoping for.

Goals and Destiny

Five of Wands

The Five of Wands is never a welcome card, as long tradition suggests you will be in line for struggle and aggravation. Pay close attention to the surrounding cards to discover clues about which areas of your life will be subject to these conflicts. Expect them to be rooted in competition, and console yourself that a positive solution is not outside your reach. Just be prepared for the possibility that the victory will come at a personal cost.

Key interpretations:

  • Anxiety
  • Conflict
  • Disagreement
  • Strife
  • Struggle

In this position, the card reveals:

You have mountains to climb in front of you. The obstacles ahead of you will only make your victory sweeter.


King of Swords

The King of Swords represents the professional aspects of authority. Often associated with those in legal or business careers, he most likely represents someone who will aid you in one of these fields. This person may be assertive, or even seek to dominate you in their confidence that they know how best to aid you. While they may be friendly, their primary motivation is unlikely to be emotional.

Key interpretations:

  • A Mature, authoritative man
  • Assertive
  • Authority
  • Government / Legal
  • Leadership

In this position, the card reveals:

You will find a destructive opposition arrayed against you. Cunning intellect will be your best weapon; look for opportunities to turn your foes against each other.

The Querant (you)


An optimistic card, Temperance encourages you to find balance in your life and approach problems with a calm demeanour. It recognizes that opposing forces need not be at war within you. Tread carefully in any major decisions you make, with confidence that good decisions will lead to a good resolution for you.

Key interpretations:

  • Capable
  • Control
  • Harmony and balance
  • Moderation (drugs / alcohol)
  • Self-confidence

In this position, the card reveals:

You may find it difficult to demonstrate your feelings in relationships, but you only sabotage yourself by not sharing them.

Friends and Family

The Sun

As an inherently good influence, finding the Sun is a positive development. It suggests personal gain, and that personal goals and joy are within reach, if you are willing to invest the effort to actualize them. If you are embarking on a new personal venture, such as marriage or beginning a family, the Sun is of particular influence.

Key interpretations:

  • Abundance
  • Achievement
  • Joy
  • Productivity
  • Success

In this position, the card reveals:

Your road does not lead to failure, as long as you do not give up on it.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands is a bittersweet discovery in your spread, as it suggests both struggles ahead and the capacity within you to overcome them. Your life is probably comfortable at the moment, but there are also likely signs of trouble in some of the less critical aspects of your personal or professional life. Your inner strength will be called upon to maintain the current situation, and then to move forward when progress becomes possible for you.

Key interpretations:

  • Afraid
  • Cautious
  • Defensive
  • Impermanent Security
  • Inner strength

In this position, the card reveals:

The war is almost won, but you have a final battle to wage still ahead.

The Final Outcome

Four of Swords

Representing order and stability, combined with the tumultuous nature of the Swords, the Four of Swords offers you respite from the battles in your life. The peace may be temporary, but appreciate it while it lasts. It may point towards recovery from prolonged illness.

Key interpretations:

  • Delays
  • Healing
  • Rest
  • Sickness
  • Withdrawal

In this position, the card reveals:

You will fight a difficult battle. It will test your body and your spirit, and you will win.