The Sun in astrology and tarot rules over gold and what better sign for your finances than the appearance of gold! Your finances might be improving soon and financial success is just on the horizon. Finance is an extremely important aspect of our modern lives and to neglect it is just foolish. If you struggle with money, it might be time to talk to a financial advisor.
If you are looking to finance a new home or a new vehicle, hundreds of lenders are ready to help. Finance can be complicated and it's easy to get roped into a deal you might regret later on, so be sure to get good financial advice before making any big decisions.
/“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray./” The lyrics are well-known enough to put a fantastic picture of sunshine in your mind. And what is linked with sunshine? Happiness. The two have been linked at some point in almost every society.
Scientists have discovered that certain vitamins can only be gained through sunlight hitting our skin, and... no surprise... that vitamin plays a huge part in beating off depression and keeping us smiling. The Sun card takes these energies and puts them all in one place!
On this card we see a great and mighty sun, bearing the face of a human. The rays from the sun spread far and wide, all the way to the edges of the card. Beneath the sun, we see a white horse with a small boy for a rider – he has his arms spread wide, and a look of joy on his face. Behind him is a wall from which sprout sunflowers and the young boy seems to have made himself a crown from those flowers!
Happiness. Pure, unadulterated happiness. Depending on where you are, what you do in your life, and who you spend your time with, happiness may or may not be something you experience often. When the Sun card comes into play, however, you should start seriously thinking about your happiness, where you get it, and how much of it you are getting. Be open to happiness - the Sun card is a sign that joy will come knocking on your door soon if it hasn't already.
What's one way to feel happy? To experience a sense of accomplishment – to really feel as if you're a glorious individual. People can tell you that you should feel this way until they are blue in the face, but when you reach your spotlight and shine in it, there is no substitution for the feeling. Search for your spot in the sun – if you deserve some glory and glowing for work that you have done or deeds you've performed, now is the time you should be soaking it in.
When you hit a point of pure happiness, something unexpected might happen. This unexpected turn of events may be what the Sun is pointing to – an epiphany. Quite literally, enlightenment! While the Hanged Man discovers the unknown through sacrifice, the Sun tells you to find the unknown through triumph. The feeling that you are worthy of greatness comes with its own realizations and revelations – take them in now, while you can.
There are a few wonderful questions you should ask yourself when drawing the Sun card. Where is your joy found? Can you be open to happiness? Should you be happier now than you are? If you have accomplished something, are you giving yourself enough credit and praise?
The World card can be viewed in a very similar fashion as the Sun card. The Sun radiates happiness, warmth, and accomplishment, while the World also hones in on the vastness of accomplishment. The World, however, is focused on a larger accomplishment, often one that involves many other people. The Sun is more about personal accomplishment rather than victory on a more public scale. You may be surprised by the comparison, but the Tower shares some similarities with the Sun as well. Both the Sun and the Tower tell you to prepare for enlightenment.
The Sun is one of the most positive cards in the entire tarot deck. When this card appears it is almost always a good sign that happy times are ahead. In some cases, it can also describe your current state of mind and serve as a sign that you are on the right track. The sun brings illumination to things that were once hidden and if you follow the path of the sun long enough it will heal all of your past traumas and bring you into a carefree and spontaneous way of living. The joy and innocence of childhood can be regained no matter how dark your life may have been in the past. Keep going up the good work!