IHWAZ, The Rune of Defense
Runic Number: 13
Meaning: Archer’s bow. Weapon. Yew tree. Prevention. Deflection. Magic.
Translation: Yew tree
Gemstone: Topaz
Color: Magenta
Polarity: Male
Element: Earth, Fire, Air, Water
Gods: Ullr
Astrology correspondence: Scorpio
Tree: Yew
Plant: Lilac
Characteristics: Ihwaz is the symbol of the runes’ magic powers. Wisdom in adversity. You have defensive, deflective and aversive powers. Protection, patience, and foresight stand against sudden attack. As Rune number 13, Ihwaz is the origin of the “unlucky 13” Anglo-Saxon superstition. Yew trees are planted to keep out unwanted animals. The best longbows were made from Yew trees. This rune shouldn’t be feared as it also implies endurance and continuity. It contains protective magic, so Ihwaz generally represents safety from attacks and a great defense weapon.
Interpretation: A time of transformation, a time to leave the old and enter the new; new life, new dreams, new beginnings. Change is the only constant. A quick progress requires not resistance, but an acceptance of changes. No fear should be involved. Changes could be scary, but you are stick to your path, remaining true to yourself. Soon, you will achieve your goal.
Reverse meaning: None.
Converse meaning: You have to express your dormant defensive potentials. What may seem dangerous could easily be overcome through concentrated effort and patience.